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A Road of the Toyota 4

A road of the Toyota 4トヨタ工業学園までの道 エピソード4

Shinji was standing in the center of Toyota headquarter hall. Huge hall!! What a view!! Same time, his blood cells are telling him that “fire it up their I’m possible switches!! We are going to do this, Shinji!!”

There were 620 people (480 students, 40 instructors and 100 Toyota staff) in this hall. It was just breathtaking view. Once a while, he does “a home run”presentation and it WAS!! They fully understood why Shinji came to their academy and realized that anything is possible in their future. It doesn’t matter what they do in automobile industry because we are making a life dependent mobilities. It was a really heck of a deal for both of Shinji and the academy.

Again thank you for trusting us and let shear our commitment for new generation leaders.

名だたる歴史のあるトヨタ自動車(株)本社敷地に足を踏み入れた時、なんとも言えな緊張感と共に前田の血管細胞が「いよいよだな、お前さんの骨頂、I’m possibleで彼らのやる気スイッチONにしようぜ」と聞こえてきました。



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