Lucy made a front page of “American Bonanza Society (ABS)” for 2021 September Edition.You will see Shinji’s article “Why can’t a 57-year-old Bonanza fly around the world?” on Page 18-26. ABS is the premier association for Beechcraft modes with 10,000+ members. Thank you so much for this honor. I feel terribly humbled to receive this opportunity and I would like to thank Mr. Thomas Turner ABS and Mr. Dave McLean who finalized my article. Lucy, you made a history!! I will post full article at our AZP homepage sometime in September since this is only membership article.
#機窓 #フライト #繋がりたい #かっこいい #パイロット #飛行機のある風景 #aerozypanguproject #エアロジパングプロジェクト #aroundtheworld #bonanza #n9787y #Aircraft #aviation #航空機写真 #instagramaviation #ヒコーキ #whyifly #pilotviews #oneeyedpilot #ilovelucy #beechcraft #vtail #vtailbonanza #雑誌 #表紙 #クール
