Before we left Philippine, there was a plan to go Taiwan, Korea, Japan and Russia. However this plan didn’t work well because Taiwan didn’t have a AVGAS. Thus we went to Okinawa for gas and headed to Korea. It was a big disappointment because a real original plan was I was planning to do aircraft maintenance in Okinawa. All team and equipment were there. In fact, they were there when I got airport. I am very picky guy as you knew and I don’t want people to touch my airplane. Well, Japan’s condition was just fuel, no maintenance. Thus I gave up Lucy’s maintenance because it was not mandatory maintenance but I felt really sorry to my Okinawa team and Lucy.
That’s why we diverted to Korea quickly. Korean hander was very kind as well and their process was very very fast. I got gas, they took me to terminal with VIP bus, quick process the custom. It’s took less than 30mins. I said “wow !!! “. Also Korean team gave us discount for this mission flight since this flight was for non profit Organization. What a great people!!!
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