“Shinji-san, we would like to support your Earthrounder project”. It was the first big sponsorship announcement from Chubu University back in 2018. As you know, a lot of companies, organization and person supported our 2021 Eartheounder mission flight. Today, Shinji came back to Chubu university for his presentation and they invited Kyodo News, which is the biggest newspaper in Japan and they spreader his story across the Japan. It became Yahoo Japan news. Ladies and gentlemen, it’s a slam dunk deal!!
#大学生 #大学 #女子大生 #社会人 #楽しい #感謝 #イベント #最高 #魂 #ヒーリング #愛 #潜在意識 #癒し #瞑想 #スピリチュアル #soul #命 #エネルギー #波動 #地球 #引き寄せの法則 #学び #エネルギーワーク #光 #生きる #使命 #自己啓発 #心 #自分軸 #言葉
